Frequently Asked Questions

Prospective Graduate Student

Visit Graduate Admission FAQs for more information.

访问ODU的研究生院课程的综合列表 here. Each program page features an overview of the program, program highlights, and its requirements.

每个部门都有不同的要求. Contact the Graduate Program Director (GPD) of the program you wish to apply to for specific details. Use the search box on the ODU website for easy access to each department’s directory. Or follow this link 查找各大学的gpd目录.

你可以找到按大学列出的gpa列表 here.

This depends on the department. It would be best to contact the appropriate Graduate Program Director for this information.

Yes, 所有课程在ODU都可以获得学分, 无论你是一个学位或非学位的学生, 并将计入你的累积GPA.

Yes, but only courses can be transferred; your GPA will not transfer. The University only allows a maximum of 12 graduate credits to be transferred from another institution. Ultimately, the final decision as to whether credits will be applied to your ODU graduate program will be determined by the appropriate graduate program director.

研究生通常依赖联邦贷款项目, graduate assistantships, scholarships, 以及勤工俭学来资助他们的研究生教育. Students must be degree-seeking and enrolled at least half-time in master's or doctoral level classes to receive up to $20,500美元的联邦直接斯塔福德贷款. For more information on sources of financial aid for graduate students, please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid.

研究生有资格获得住房. For more information, follow this link or email

Yes, there is health insurance available for domestic graduate students through 联合医疗学生资源. You may also review all the information we have on the Graduate School webpage here or email 国际学生的健康保险是通过 Office of Visa & Immigration Service Advising. 欲了解更多信息,请访问他们的页面 here or email

开放招生每年在春季和秋季举行两次. 学生可以每学期或全年参加他们选择的计划. 学生按学期购买保险 must re-enroll once the term ends. 秋季覆盖从8月1日开始到12月31日结束. 春季覆盖从1月1日开始到7月31日结束. 欲了解更多细节或信息,请发送电子邮件

不幸的是,付款计划不可用. 学生必须在入学时全额缴纳学费.

是的,有可选的牙科和视力保险. 这两种选择都是12个月的保单, and they can be selected individually and separately from the health insurance coverage.

您有资格继续您的注册最多60天. You must enroll for a continuation of coverage within 31 days of the expiration of your plan. 本计划不提供COBRA.

联合医疗有一家姐妹公司, UHOne, that offers a variety of health, dental, and vision plans that may meet your needs.

年收入在5000美元或以上的研究生有资格获得补贴. 每学年的津贴为1,100元. 补贴按学期发放:春季600美元,秋季500美元.

Graduate students not eligible are:

  • ODU学生时薪或研究基金会临时学生时薪
  • Regular Hourly Employees
  • 任何类型的机密职员和教员
  • Graduate Students who receive funding that is paid through ODU or Research Foundation’s Accounts Payable
  • Graduate students receiving fellowships not associated directly with Old Dominion University or the Research Foundation

Admitted Graduate Students

Yes. Graduate Orientation is a self-enrolling course found in Canvas at this link: Graduate Student Orientation. Only registered ODU graduate students will be able to enroll using their MIDAS ID and ODU email address.

Complete registration through Leo Online. The summer and fall semester courses are available by March 7th and by October 7th for the spring. Visit the Registrar's 网站查看其他注册日期.

Students must be enrolled in nine credits per semester to be considered full-time graduate students at ODU. 在夏季课程中,6个学分被认为是满负荷的.

No more than 12 credit hours per semester may be carried by a graduate student, except in unusual circumstances, 在研究生项目主任的许可下.

Visit the Registrar's website 对于州内学费资格要求. Please note that applications must be submitted before the beginning of each semester.

Teaching, research, and administrative assistantships are available to full-time graduate students and the availability of assistantships varies year to year. First, contact your graduate program director and notify them of your interest in a position with the department. 然后你可以通过 Career Development Services and Student Engagement & Enrollment Services (SEES).

Yes. 助教奖学金可以通过个人项目获得. 所有被选为助教的研究生必须通过 研究生助教指导(GTAI)学院在秋季和春季学期开始时提供. 有关GTAI研究所的更多信息,请发送电子邮件

薪酬由研究生项目主任和院长决定. 津贴因项目和大学而异. Contact your Graduate Program Director for specific qualifications and amounts.

No. 这是学校不允许的.

Yes. However, these situations must be approved by your Graduate Program Director.

Ph.D. teaching assistants with proper documentation may purchase a Faculty/Staff permit at the Commuter permit rate. 停车证信息可在 Parking Services web page.

General FAQs

当你收到研究生院的续读信时, read the catalog excerpt, included in the letter, carefully. All the necessary steps you need to take to regain good academic standing are listed. Click here to read the Continuance policy.

If you do not know who your advisor is, contact your Graduate Program Director. 你可以按学院和项目搜索研究生项目主任 here.

No, at ODU there is no grade forgiveness for graduate students by course substitution (i.e.(选修一门课程,只计算较高的分数). There are three circumstances when grades may not be calculated in the cumulative GPA. 他们被停职复职, 时隔8年再次回归, and change of program. Please see the policies on GPA Following Separation and GPA Following Change of Program found in the Graduate Catalog.

All graduate students have eight years to finish their degree from the time they are first enrolled in the program. 如果在此时间限制之外完成学位, expired credits must be re-validated by examination before they can be applied toward the degree.

Yes, doctoral students who are finished with coursework and have passed their candidacy exams, 但我还在写论文, must be registered for at least 1 hour of dissertation credit (899) every semester through graduation. 如果论文已经完成, students should register for at least one credit hour of doctoral credit (999).

Transcripts are provided by the Office of the University Registrar and can also be requested through Leo Online. 申请应至少在需要前5天提交. For more information, please visit the University Registrar’s Forms page and click on Transcript Requests.